Joint Account

Manage Life Together

Open a Joint Account Online

Manage, save, budget, and invest in just a click of a button… together!

Get Started
Manage Expenses Together

Manage Expenses Together

Sort bills, set aside money for shared goals, or just split the dinner tab… It’s easier with a Joint Account.

Spending Control & Transparency

Spending Control & Transparency

Easily stay in control of your spending by having full visibility over any expenses and your money.

You can also set spending limits.

Choose Your Financial Partner

Choose Your Financial Partner

Create a Joint Account with whomever you would like to manage your finances with; whether it’s a family member or a business partner.

Achieve Goals Together

Achieve Goals Together

Plan together, save together, and achieve your goals together.

What is it going to be: A dream home? Startup business? Vacation? Car?

Instant Notifications

Instant Notifications

Track your shared spending habits in real-time, and receive instant notifications to both of your devices when you receive money or when either of you spend.

Joint Account Features

Joint Account Features

  • No Minimum Monthly Balance
  • Free Debit Card for Both Account Holders
  • Utility Bills Payment
  • Monthly E-Statements
  • Instant Transaction Notification
  • Real-Time Statement Viewing
  • Account Spending Limits

*Refer to Mbank’s Terms & Conditions

All the answers. Right here.

Get all the answers you need to frequently asked questions.

  • Who can I open a Joint Account with?

  • Can any Joint Account Holder manage the account?

  • Who can open a Joint Account?

  • Is there a minimum salary requirement to open a Joint Account?